Monday, March 2, 2015

Energy Forecast for the week of March 2-March 9 2015

Starting out the week a celestial stand out that occurs is the trine of luck to us ( which is actually starting Tuesday.) Jupiter is in a fire trine with Uranus. This will only occur once more this year, then not again until 2019! It's second occurrence this year will happen in June. Jupiter is also in retrograde positioned in Leo. This is causing for a shift in the view and perception  of current leaders. Alliances and friendships will growth strong in some areas where it will shift in others. Grow relationships wisely.

 Now to  the MOON!

This week is a Full moon in a Pisces and Virgo axis  will occur on Thursday , March 5, 2015. This is a rather complex full moon with a variety of energy weaving into our realms.  The shifts are really coming strong as many of the population seems to be getting over a "cold" which seemed to have disappear for most in about a week. Many seem to be re-energized with a sense of creativity and motivation as Spring quickly approaches.

Whith Virgo in opposite to Pisces it seeks to embody divine perfection. The problem with Virgo is that is can set itself up for impossible tasks or make us feel frustrated with human fallibility.

Where Pisces has the greatest influence on those who live and work in the non-physical realms, such as artists , musicians, healers ,  and other health professionals and human service workers. Pisces has the dreamers living what the others seem to believe is some mystical fog  which really consists of growth through sleep , meditation , prayer , and other trance like states, and creation that seems to have them blissful in these past few days and growing greater by the day. Though it can have it's fishy days where we're susceptible to emotional assault due to our highly amplified energy status from the extreme bliss of the raise of vibration there's a balance if worry of " Is this the right thing, can this really be happening? "

Let go of that fear and allow the shift to occur in and around you and have faith that the consciousness is being raised to a higher level of understanding of being "one" and together. The planets are shifting at a rate of constant energy collisions where our emotions are being tested and every blissful happening is yet continued in divine allowance. Embrace the feeling of dreams come true. Let the world guide each of you to bliss while strengthening you through the challenges it must to grow not only you but those who also partake in the event of growth that experience creates.

 These happenings can be a magical moment in collective consciousness and astrological history leading to an age filled with even more creativity and possibility as all becomes more accessible to us in this world as it is in dream world. The celestrial energies are here to make it so. Awknowledge them and appriciate them for their part in this vibration that we are all playing a part of in this reality.

This and the Solar Flare update will be LIVE Tuesday at 8 p.m. EST on during the weekly podcast featuring Taco and Elise of Appalachian Jamwhich.

-Shantastic Shine.


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