Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Solar Eclipse of March 2015 an energy forecast and more

      This week we have quite an event happening with the Solar Eclipse on March 20, 2015  which also happens to be International Astrology Day , The New Moon  in Pisces , AND Spring Equinox or Ostera.   Talk about A LOT HAPPENING! So many energies are showing themselves.
     Some weeks are more significant than others but really this week is beyond a game changer! This rare Solar eclipse in Aires has a lot to do with that huge shift we’ve been feeling.  Though only visible in some scarcely inhabited island and Europe the effects are being felt around the globe!

     An eclipse is an astronomical event that occurs when one object in the sky moves into the shadow of another. The term is most often used to describe either a solar eclipse when the Moon’s shadow crosses Earth’s surface, or a lunar eclipse, when the Moon moves into the shadow of Earth.

     Spiritual research conducted by SSRF reveals that from a spiritual perspective, the eclipse is one of the most detrimental celestial phenomena especially for those who view it. The Sun is the light of our world, but this anomaly of the moon blocking out the Sun’s light gives rise to a high amount of negative spiritual vibrations that are leaking through. 

     Solar and lunar eclipses are very significant events at a spiritual level. There is an increase in Raja-Tama which can have negative effects on humanity. Ghosts or darker spirits take advantage of the heightened energy  to create a variety of issues that have global negative repercussions. Regular spiritual practice ensures that we are insulated from its subtle (intangible) harmful effects.
Negative energies from the spiritual dimension come out in full force at this time to take advantage of this increase in negative vibrations. The fact is that the whole environment especially where the eclipse can be seen is charged with spiritual pollution and the unsuspecting eclipse watchers are enveloped in it. 

     Due to the Sun being obscured by a subtle barrier in front of the gross or subtle Sun during an eclipse, there are several spiritual impacts. The environment becomes a conduit  for negative energies to amass black energy. Black energy is a type of spiritual energy that is the primary weapon for negative spirits to come through. The environment is most conducive for negative energies to utilize their black energy at this time to attempt to harm humankind during the period of the eclipse as well as to plant the seeds of destruction of humankind.  You may be sensing a lot of bumps in the night as some of the darker stuff is being shaken about in this realm.

     The upside about a solar eclipse is that (unlike natural disasters) we get to know about them well in advance and we can take appropriate measures to protect ourselves against it. There are a number of precautions that one can take at a physical and spiritual level to protect oneself and one’s family during this time.
SSRF recommends increasing spiritual practice and spiritual healing remedies as much as possible in the days leading up to the eclipse, during the eclipse, and the days after it to protect against distress.  

   This  would be a great time to increase any prayer or intention grids you have set. Charge and cleanse your stones in water or safely near a candle and keep near your bedside as the eclipse is happening while many of us will still be sleeping, and the effects will be felt more in the astral realm. By setting up these grids and protection precautions it will allow the dark matter energy and spirits to release from this realm and move to the next.  To fight these attacks it is suggested as I previously stated with protection , prayer, and crystal grids to help.

     Along with all of that energy happening there is also a finale happening for the end battle in the dances between Uranus and Pluto that actually begun back in 2012. During this “war” Pluto has been on the side of financial transformations, political reshuffling , and other geological breakdowns. Uranus has given us shocking proof that we need to turn in a new direction. Which explains the mass amount of humans that have “awoken” to their divine purpose.  

     Starting this week into April Uranus will start to move out of Pluto’s range which will then continue shifting all the way to 2046. Now it’s time to pick up the pieces that their war between each other has created. The Eclipse this week is to help us mark that beginning, giving us an extraordinary start to this years Spring.  While every new moon technically signals the beginning of a two week period that’s good for making a new start, a Solar Eclipse is the cosmic wildcard that is really showing us that shift is happening for a reason. Escpeicially falling on such a significant time of year. Out with the old in with the new!

     In general the Solar Eclipse will be personally significant if it lands on or near your birthday. If you were born on March 20 this eclipse could be a signal that the coming year will be a huge turning point in your life even more so than others. 

     The Sun going into Aires is also what signals the starting of Spring or Equinox.  Equinox means that it is the first two days of the year when the apparent path of the Sun crosses the equator.  Meaning that Friday after the Eclipse there will also be nearly equal amounts of day and night. Take advantage of this day of cosmic equilibrium and start your new beginning with a sense of balance and appreciation for life in general.  It is the best time of the year to plant the “seeds’ of things you would like to see growing into your future. 

     This week is all about timing and protection, while being open to the immense changes that are happening cosmically.
Shine through them with divine light. Know that you are here to witness it all for divine reason with purpose. Grab onto that purpose and allow the new paths to unfold before your eyes and others are the spirits of light embrace the dark energy converting it to positive power in our honor.
The Planets are shifting fast as is our realities. So stay awake and allow the positive shift to occur.

     That is this weeks Cosmic Energy Forecast. Tune in tonight to www.projectbringmetolife.com for our live Podcast at 8 p.m. est ( you can also catch it later if your busy) where we will be touching on other spiritual topics and this forecast will belive along with my Shantastic Shine Card reading of the week! Hope to see you there in the live chat!

-Shantastic Shine

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